Love Compatibility With Chinese Zodiac Signs

The Year Of The Horse is the seventh of the twelve-year lunar cycle of animals that appear in the Chinese horoscope aligned to the Chinese lunar calendar. There is also a long and fascinating tradition of this horse in ancient Chinese mythology. Many legends have it that the original source of this particular animal came from the deities of Heaven and Earth. This animal is one of the nine celestial animals in the Chinese Zodiac that is part of a triad of divine animals. The other two animals in this particular triad are the dragon and the rabbit.

year of the horse


According to Chinese astrology, the year of the horse generally falls in late November or early December depending on what part of China you are in. The lunar months fall in distinct segments in every year, so the exact time of this animal's birth is hard to pinpoint. This is why it is considered somewhat of a lucky horse horoscope sign. Luck will certainly be on your side if you find out the exact time of birth for this particular horse.


In addition to being one of the most significant animals in the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Horse also represents strength and virility. The first three animals in this particular Chinese Zodiac sign are all about hard work and overcoming obstacles. The strength and courage associated with this sign are often reflected by the strong horses of this year. They can easily overcome obstacles both in and out of the race. The zodiac sign of the horse is also well known as the Moonless horse because they are usually born without any kind of issue relating to their horoscope. For some people this is a good sign because they can easily overcome obstacles.

Love Compatibility With Chinese Zodiac Signs


The Year of the Tiger is the sixth of the twelve Chinese horoscope zodiac signs. The color scheme associated with this particular animal is different from all the others. This is because the color scheme associated with this animal is red and black. When it comes to choosing a name for this animal, however, the choices are not easy. Names such as these are often selected by people who are related to the animal.


As with every other type of Chinese horoscope sign, the Chinese horoscope and the year of the horse are closely related. If you have decided to use one of these animals in a Chinese horoscope, you will want to make sure that you use the correct sign that is associated with that particular animal. For example, if you have chosen the color scheme of a red horse, you would then choose the appropriate Chinese zodiac sign for that horse.


Of course, there is also the traditional way of choosing a name. There are people born under certain zodiac signs and those who get along just fine without any sign at all. This is not to say, of course, that people born under the Chinese zodiac signs do not get along at all; it is just that they are different animals and so they tend to get along differently.


The colors that you will find associated with different Chinese zodiac signs can make things a bit easier. Red is associated with fire, which is another important characteristic of horses. In addition to fire, it is also associated with water, which is another quality of horses. People under the fire animal sign are usually determined, passionate, courageous and driven. They tend to be very positive and have a strong sense of social harmony and love compatibility.


People born under the water animal sign are known for being compassionate and loving, but sometimes they tend to get along better with the wind symbol. Horses are thought to be associated with luck, which is another quality you would want associated with you when you are planning a Chinese horoscope. You will find the characteristics of each sign, as well as compatibility aspects, reflected in your Chinese horoscope. When you are trying to get along with someone and you have an interest in the Chinese astrology signs, it is important to remember that some of these animals will have a significant effect on your personal life and in your love life.

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