How To Setup An Auto Clicker And Teach Your Dog

I'm sure you know that a clicker is one of the most effective and easy to use training aids for puppies, which is why many people choose to include them as part of their dog's training. The question is, how do you teach your dog how to use an Auto Clicker? And more importantly, how can you get him to stop when he's been clicking? Setting up an auto clicker is actually quite easy. It takes a few seconds to set up your clicker system. Once your puppy clicks it will sound off and give your dog a treat.

how to setup an auto clicker


The treat is linked to a bell that you click once your dog has clicked it. Then, when your dog gets near the bell you just stick your fingers in front of the bell and say "TAKE IT". Your dog will then take the treat and he/she should stop the clicking motion with the bells or treat attached. Once they've stopped you just give them a treat and praise.


Another way to teach your dog how to use a clicker is to use them while you're having your dog trained. You can have your dog on a leash and have the clicker at your side as you train him/her. Your dog will soon associate clicking to get a treat and will try it out for himself/herself when he/she sees you putting out the click. This is very useful if you don't want your dog jumping on you every time you put out the click.

How To Setup An Auto Clicker And Teach Your Dog


Once your dog gets the hang of clicking it can be fun to throw out the clicker and then have your dog work for the treat. You can also have your dog wait by the clicker and if he/she stops when the bell sounds then you give him/her a treat. This works the same way with the treats and you never have to touch the treats. Just make sure you only give your dog treats every few days. I know this might sound harsh but many dogs don't get excited about getting treats when there is no physical reward involved. So be patient.


The only problem you could run into if you don't use a clicker is that your dog might see the clicking sound and start wondering what that means. You can solve this problem by pointing to your hands and saying "time out". Your dog will soon realize that when you click he/she needs to stop and stand still. Then you can call him/her by name while you give the clicker a treat. This might not be the best situation because if your dog thinks that you are punishing him/her then your dog might become fearful.


If you don't feel comfortable giving your dog a treat as the clicker is the most common clicker used in the training sessions, then you can also use a simple toy instead of treats. It has been proven that the visual stimulation is more effective than just clicking the dog. The visual stimulus such as flashing lights or a moving target has been shown to train dogs faster than just clicking.


how to setup an auto clicker and train your dog is just as easy as learning how to read. By using your visual senses to trigger your dog's attention, you are teaching your dog to respond to you and only you. Dogs respond very well to being praised and taught in a positive manner. Be sure to praise your dog a lot for a good performance each time you use the device.


Learning how to set up an auto clicker and train your dog isn't difficult. However, it does require a little time and patience. The rewards are worth the time and effort though. The wonderful world of dogs will prove to be nothing short of a joy for you once you learn how to use an electronic device to train them.

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